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Citrine | DataManager

Scalable data management for chemicals, materials, ingredients and products.

What it is:
The Citrine DataManager (CDM) enables you to unify and leverage data across your enterprise. It is a chemistry-aware software toolkit to capture, enhance, analyze, visualize and communicate your data in a structured but flexible way. The starting point of your AI journey and the first way that you get value from the Citrine Platform.
How this benefits our customers:

Increased Productivity

  • Structure your data so that it can power AI
  • Reduce repeated experiments by making data findable, comparable and reusable across your business units
  • Enable knowledge transfer through visualizations

Improved Customer Responsiveness

  • Quickly find the product closest to your customer’s requirements
  • Visualize how your product compares to those of your competitors
  • Streamline inventories and work around supply issues
Find a material through searching, filtering and ranking
How it is different from other options:

Unlike legacy data management solutions, Citrine Data Manager (CDM) was specifically designed for product experts wanting to use AI on complex products where materials, chemicals or ingredients are a key part of their competitive advantage.

Product experts need

  • An easy way to digitize data and check its quality
  • A data structure that grows as they learn more about their project, or they want to join datasets along a value chain
  • A common vocabulary, so that teams can speak different languages and use different units, but still work with each other’s data
  • The ability to systematically specify all steps in a material’s processing history, including processing conditions and batch measurements.
  • Intuitive visualizations to communicate their work, learn from others, and assess data quality
  • A secure way to store and share data
  • A place where experimental parameters, formulations and end product measured properties come together to power AI
How it works:
Get data into the Citrine Platform easily
Data can be ingested quickly via CSV, Excel or directly using our API. CDM includes a flexible Python interface to automate data ingestion.

Data ingestion

CDM streamlines importing data from common instrument files, e.g. HPLC. Citrine Professional Services can help you get almost any data AI-ready. Our team of experts uses a combination of manual and programmatic techniques to clean and structure your data.

Increase and improve data automatically
CDM’s descriptor libraries convert information like chemical formulas and SMILES to relevant features automatically enhancing the dataset that can be used in AI.

Plot chemical property features against your target properties to understand the underlying fundamentals of your project

Check data quality through visualizations
Researchers can inspect the data using visualizations to spot any outliers so they can clean and correct data if needed.
outliers highlighted

Filter data from across your team and analyze its spread

In Citrine's Data Manager, you can easily add a new object, property, relationship, or a whole new dataset as you integrate along the value chain.
Data model that doesn’t turn data away
Our open-source materials data model (Graphical Expression of Materials Data, or GEMD) is at the core of CDM. It enables customers to add and remove properties, relationships and related data sets with ease. This means that unlike, standard relational database it never turns away data.
The platform ensures that data is comparable across a team. While each team member can use the name and units they are used to, a template can join comparable data together and convert units so that all the data can be easily analyzed and visualized and used to power AI. This is particularly useful for companies with business units in different countries.
temperature units

Data model that fully captures the context
Each step from procurement to final product is visualized in the material history and made available to AI models. Product experts can learn from these diagrams and can click to uncover details.

In this example, each stage is recorded, including, both the specified processing parameters (e.g., 200°C) and the actual measured parameter in that run (e.g., 199°C). The color-coded graphical user interface is easy to use, and users can also use the Python client to add, review, and revise data. This rich data model enables AI access to all aspects of a material’s history that will affect its final properties.

Visualization and reporting
Finally, data can tell a story. Visualization tools and custom reports, enable teams to communicate their progress to managers and customers.

Create, save and share visualizations in a report

See when data is uploaded and where it is used

Information Security:
The data is secure in the platform and access to team data and specific projects is controlled by an authorization system. Learn more about how Citrine take security seriously here.
Learn more:

White Paper

Data Management on the Citrine Platform

Data Management on the Citrine Platform

Understand the data landscape and get tips on data management best practices. Learn how to upload your data to the Citrine Platform and how to prioritize data digitization.

White Paper

Advanced Data Preparation Services

Advanced Data Preparation Services

Short overview of the data preparation services we offer and how they add value to customers.

White Paper

Integration with the Citrine Platform

Integration with the Citrine Platform

Overview of how the Citrine Platform fits in to your wider data ecosystem.

See for yourself: