Papers By Citrine

This data article presents a compilation of mechanical properties of 630 multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs). Built upon recently published MPEA databases, this article includes updated records from previous reviews (with minor error corrections) along with new data from articles that were published since 2019. The extracted properties include reported composition, processing method, microstructure, density, hardness, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength (or maximum compression strength), elongation (or maximum compression strain), and Young’s modulus. Additionally, descriptors (e.g. grain size) not included in previous reviews were also extracted for articles that reported them. The database is hosted and continually updated on an open data platform, Citrination. To promote interpretation, some data are graphically presented.

Christopher K. H. Borg, Carolina Frey, Jasper Moh, Tresa M. Pollock, Stéphane Gorsse, Daniel B. Miracle, Oleg N. Senkov, Bryce Meredig & James E. Saal