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Citrine | Platform

The AI-driven product development software for materials and chemicals

The Citrine platform is an integrated suite of software products and services that help companies capture what they know, use artificial intelligence to generate new insights, and share those insights to create value.


Citrine DataManager

Citrine DataManager: Capture what you know

Spreadsheets. Lab notebooks. Proprietary databases. Even hand-written notes. Your intellectual property is spread across formats, divisions, and even geographies. Citrine DataManager helps you capture all your teams’ knowledge so you can unlock its value.
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Citrine VirtualLab: Use AI to work smarter

Help your next breakout success break out of the lab. Citrine VirtualLab helps you get the features you need – whether that’s lower cost, better performance, greater supply flexibility, more sustainability, or something else.
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Citrine VirtualLab

Citrine Catalyst

Citrine Catalyst: Meet your digital research assistant

Find the supporting research you need, when and where you need it. Citrine Catalyst lets you ask questions about materials and chemicals using natural language – and get quick, reliable answers from industry journals and prepublication articles without interrupting your workflow.
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Citrine Professional Services:

Bring it all together

With Citrine Professional Services, you’ll have all the help you need. We share best practices so you can quickly generate ROI and go to market faster than ever.

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Easy to start, easy to use
You can get started with Citrine in 1 day. Our SaaS platform is hosted on Amazon AWS, with easy-to-use tools and a dedicated support team to help you quickly ingest data from multiple sources. Find out more ›

Scalable and flexible
The Citrine platform is hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS), the largest global cloud services provider. Our solution is reliable and rapidly scalable, whether you have small dedicated projects or a global, multi-business unit deployment. Find out more ›

World-class security
Your data is hosted in its own virtual private cloud, with end-to-end encryption. We are ISO 270001 certified, demonstrating our dedication to information security, data protection, and continuous improvement. Find out more ›

Committed to your success
From initial planning through implementation and ongoing support, we’re committed to your success, with dedicated account teams, online documentation, regular training sessions, a video repository, and more. Find out more ›

Who we help

The Citrine Platform is more than an R&D tool. It helps companies in a variety of industries create better materials and formulations, responding quickly to changing market and regulatory demands. It also enables business functions across these companies to exceed their own performance goals. We put the power of generative AI to work for teams of all kinds, allowing them to rethink what’s possible.

Who we help: Business Functions

From the lab to the corner office, the Citrine Platform helps your teams get more critical work done.

See how Citrine adds value to these teams:

  • Product Developers and Materials Engineers

    • Define target performance specifications
    • Encode domain knowledge to improve AI-model performance
    • Use Sequential Learning to replace traditional design of experiments to determine which candidate materials to test next
    • Dramatically reduce the number of experimental iterations required to find high-performance materials

    Artificial intelligence material candidate suggestions

  • Data Scientists

    • Train, validate, and test AI models
    • Design graphical AI models
    • Perform feature selection and assess model uncertainty

  • Data Managers

    • Upload, structure, and link data files from each step of the materials process history
    • Examine, filter, and edit data
    • View data in graphical materials process histories or structured tables
    • Provide guidelines to promote consistency across an organization

  • C-Suite and Business Unit Executives

    • Evaluate current product portfolio performance across multiple performance dimensions
    • Quantitatively assess risk-reward trade-offs across the whole product development portfolio

    design space visualization for materials on two substrates

  • Compliance Managers

    • Incorporate restrictions on sanctioned materials early in development process, avoiding investment in unusable candidates
    • Evaluate suitability of emerging candidates regarding permissible sources and uses
    • Use graphical interfaces to access technical information without specialized training

  • Sales and Marketing Executives

    • Advise on perceived market demand for feature combinations
    • Understand portfolio performance characteristics
    • Use graphical interfaces to get access to technical information without specialized training

  • Supply Chain Managers

    • Weigh in on implications of switching to different materials
    • Improve negotiating position by consolidating and optimizing inputs within existing product portfolio
    • Use graphical interfaces to get access to technical information without specialized training

  • Production and Manufacturing Executives

    • Get early insight into potential changes to operational processes
    • Use graphical interfaces to get access to technical information without specialized training

  • Finance Managers

    • Provide input on cost/benefit tradeoffs for potential formula changes
    • Use graphical interfaces to get access to technical information without specialized training

Who we help: Industries

Citrine’s generative AI platform can transform the way companies make virtually anything. Whether your goal is faster product development, supply chain resilience, becoming more responsive to customers, optimizing costs, regulatory adaptability or even improved sustainability, we can show you a new way to think about what you manufacture.

Metals & Alloys

Consumer Packaged Goods

Ceramics & Glass

Building Materials



Aerospace & Defense

See how Citrine adds value to these industries:

  • Batteries

    Lithium-ion battery development is time-consuming and expensive due to the high chemical complexity of the system and long qualification times. Citrine accelerates our partners’ R&D timelines to achieve novel, differentiated battery technology, whether the technology is electrolyte formulation, additive discovery, anode and cathode creation, or process optimization.

    Battery Our platform is chemistry-aware to better harness your data and prior experiments. Whether you’re looking for the perfect electrolyte formulation for a new anode or cathode or trying optimize a slurry formulation to hit specific power and energy density goals while staying inside of manufacturability windows, Citrine can help you do this in less time with fewer experiments.

    Our AI’s ability to model a hierarchical system enables a totally new kind of battery modeling. If you start with individual components: cathode, anode, electrolyte, separator, or any other component, our AI can use your historical data to refine recipes to improve performance. But a battery is so much more than any one of these components. If you have AI models for each of your components, you can connect these models and enable system-wide optimization, leading to the highest possible performance for the entire battery.

    Citrine’s tools serve as a powerful cross-team enabler. The intuitive graphical interfaces show the exact history of materials information for final cells, eliminating the heritability problem when the development of individual aspects of the battery (cell fabrication, cathode, anode, and electrolyte) are happening on different teams at different times. Native visualization tools let you spot gaps in data, outliers, and trends, which can be immediately useful in AI-guided experiment design.

    “Citrine’s approach is essential to our company’s success.”
    – Chairman of a high-performance automotive battery company

    Battery manufacturers can use the Citrine Platform to:

    • Make data-driven decisions about material selection.
    • Use surrogate tests as predictors of lifetime cycle performance.
    • Only move high-probability candidates forward for expensive, long tests.
    • Uncover unintuitive combinations of materials uniquely suited to your battery chemistry.

    Download the eBook

    Better batteries with higher energy density and the ability to charge quickly are needed to enable the energy transition. This eBook explores how AI can be used to reach ambitious battery property targets quickly, through material development, battery configuration optimization and improved battery testing.

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  • Ceramics & Glass

    The Citrine Platform helps industry companies develop high-performing, more sustainable products in record time with a combination of materials-specific AI and smart data infrastructure.

    Ceramics & Glass High energy costs mean that ceramics and glass manufacturers need to optimize both the materials and the processes they use, often simultaneously.

    Whether you’re making architectural products, the latest innovative technology for consumer applications, or products for extreme environments, the Citrine platform can increase your agility and efficiency.

    “I wouldn’t have come up with those candidates and decided to take them to the lab, if not for the AI predictions from Citrine.”
    – R&D Scientist, Technical Ceramics Manufacturer

    Ceramics and glass companies use the Citrine Platform to:

    • Efficiently optimize materials and processes
    • Enable multi-property design of materials: “lighter and stronger,” not just “lighter or stronger”
    • Explore “what if” scenarios before committing to expensive capital expenditures
    • Figure out how to avoid using “problem” materials

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    Learn how a leading glass manufacturer developed a differentiated product using new processing equipment in just 8 weeks using the Citrine Platform.

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  • Metals & Alloys

    Citrine’s metals and alloys customers are accelerating the development of lighter, stronger, less energy intensive products to compete with a growing number of materials in key customer markets.

    Metals & Alloys The industry is adopting a wide set of new manufacturing approaches, including additive/3D printing, robotics, automation, and IOT. Citrine helps companies meet these emerging needs by helping scientists and engineers explore complex, multi-dimensional problems that accelerate product development, and increase resilience to price volatility and supply chain disruptions.

    Meanwhile, our customers are also moving toward more sustainable processing technologies and improving carbon capture: good for business, and good for the world.

    “ [The Citrine Platform] has started to change how we think about developing products and processes.”
    – Materials Scientist, Industrial Consumables Company

    Metals and alloys companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Optimize alloys and heat treatments, and rapidly tailor these to specific OEM requirements
    • Work around price volatility in alloying elements
    • Discover better catalysts
    • Accelerate light weighting design efforts
    • Develop alloys suitable for Additive Manufacturing

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    Learn how HRL worked with Citrine to be first to market with an Al alloy suitable for 3D printing. Research time was reduced from years to days.

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  • Specialty Chemicals

    The Citrine platform helps our specialty chemicals customers develop better, more sustainable formulations more quickly, and get them to market faster than ever.

    Specialty Chemicals The specialty chemicals industry has seen margin pressure from growing commoditization. Meanwhile, emerging regulatory requirements and a new focus on sustainability and eco-friendly products has opened opportunities for innovators.

    Citrine can help producers find new areas of differentiation, from additives, agrichemicals and catalysts to lubricants, surfactants, polymers, and polymer compounds. Our platform uses AI to push the boundaries of what’s possible: efficiently searching through countless options and finding the solution that is the most likely to succeed, all in a fraction of the time.

    “I feel like we’ve gone from the dark ages to the 21st century in one giant leap.”
    – Materials Scientist at a Chemical company

    Specialty chemicals companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Accelerate development and reformulation
    • Enhance their ability to save formulations
    • Help communicate tradeoffs between performance, cost, and sustainability
    • Facilitate both ingredient and product rationalization

    Access case studies, white papers and webinars

    Specialty Chemicals and Polymers Resources

  • Consumer Packaged Goods

    The Citrine platform helps CPG companies make new products at the pace of changing consumer preferences, develop more sustainable products and packaging, and localize ingredients for a global market.

    There are hundreds of different ingredients you can choose from when developing a new product. But wading through the choices and determining which ones have a preferred outcome takes time and money. The Citrine platform excels within a large, many-dimensional design space and facilitates product development via machine learning.

    Using the Citrine platform, CPG companies can tie consumer preference data together with formulation and process-level inputs when developing product properties. Our customers can incorporate what their buyers care about most when preparing designs and reformulations.

    “Very pleasantly surprised with a candidate that did well in cost reduction even when using more expensive raws. It was counterintuitive and no one would have thought of that, but the Machine did.”
    – Product developer, Specialty Chemicals Company

    CPG companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Visualize trade-offs between cost, sustainability, and product performance
    • Efficiently reformulate with more sustainable ingredients
    • Quickly react to new CPG regulations or supply disruptions
    • Design new products based on consumer requirements

    Access case studies, white papers and webinars

    Consumer Packaged Goods Resources

  • Consumer Electronics

    The Citrine platform helps consumer electronics companies develop high-performing materials and components for cutting-edge products.

    Consumer Electronics Consumer electronics companies need to keep up with consumer preferences and constantly bring differentiated products to market to maintain market leadership. Product teams face an ever-compressed development cycle from consumers who now expect the unexpected.

    Materials science researchers must juggle competing demands to make components lighter, stronger, less expensive, more resistant to water and corrosion, and more. The Citrine platform helps our customers push materials properties to their limits and design around critical materials and supply chain disruptions.

    “This work demonstrates the utility of using the sequential learning methodology to design experiments for the discovery of novel materials.”
    – Nobuyuki Matsuzawa, Director, Panasonic

    CPG companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Efficiently explore large search spaces making it more likely to discover truly innovative materials
    • Help teams understand how changing ingredients and processes will affect if removing critical elements will harm performance
    • Co-optimize materials and devices to remain at the cutting edge

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    Learn how Panasonic was able to reduce processing costs by discovering and patenting 4 new soluble organic semiconductors with 25% higher performance (hole mobility) in record time.

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  • Packaging

    The Citrine platform helps packaging manufacturers accelerate innovation to stay ahead of shifting trends in logistics.

    The packaging industry knows what it means to think “outside the box.” As warehouses incorporate robotics into their workflows and companies look to smarter packages that provide new data, industry leaders are looking for new ways to do more with less.

    The Citrine platform can help companies create packages that protect and ship with less waste and more ability to maintain product quality. Using our machine learning tools, companies can explore ways to optimize the performance and weight of their products. It can also help with sustainability goals, spotting innovative opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of packaging solutions.

    “We’ve really seen some great results, even with the limited historical data we had.”
    – Industrial Consumables Company

    Packaging companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Understand the likelihood of success using different options
    • Efficiently navigate through a series of experiments
    • Optimize both cost and weight

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    Read how materials informatics can help you meet your strategic sustainability goals.

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  • Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Elastomers (CASE)

    The Citrine platform helps our customers in the coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE) industries quickly adapt to regulatory changes and market demands, collaborate between teams, and reduce development time and costs.

    Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Elastomers (CASE) For some companies, a new regulation on a key material in a multi-ingredient formulation can seem like an innovation roadblock. But for companies that can leverage AI using the Citrine Platform, building a new formulation quickly, without compromising results, is standard operating procedure, using AI-guided experimentation. Be first to suggest a compliant, performant new formulation to your customers.

    The platform and its data storage make it easy to break down inter-organizational silos. Different people on different teams can all see what’s been tested, what works, and what doesn’t, leading to more effective research and experimentation. By making the stage-gate process more efficient, you can go to market much more quickly.

    Your team can use Citrine’s AI tools to determine which materials have a higher probability of working earlier in the discovery process. By making predictions for performance criteria earlier in the process, you can narrow your scope to a small subset of experiments, reducing time and money spent on poor outcomes.

    “I feel like we’ve gone from the dark ages to the 21st century in one giant leap.”
    – Materials Scientist at a Chemical company

    CASE companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Streamline the stage-gate process
    • Increase R&D efficiency
    • Facilitate sustainable product development
    • Adapt faster to changing markets

    Access case studies, white papers and webinars

    Coatings, Adhesives and Sealants Resources

  • Building Materials

    The Citrine platform helps construction material and concrete companies develop high-performing, sustainable products that meet complex regulatory requirements and overcome supply chain challenges.

    Building Materials Across the building materials industry, we have been seeing the emergence of entirely new product categories that are reimagining how infrastructure is built. Industry innovators are now exploring material with transparency, advanced thermal insulation, shape memory, conductivity, humidity control and many more properties that once seemed unimaginable.

    Developing these low-cost, high-performing, sustainable products can be a challenge. The Citrine platform helps building materials companies accelerate R&D and increase confidence in R&D decisions. Our software platform combines smart data infrastructure and cutting-edge Machine Learning to accelerate innovation, so our clients can continue to build the future.

    “I wouldn’t have come up with those candidates and decided to take them to the lab, if not for the AI predictions from Citrine.”
    – R&D Scientist, Technical Ceramics Manufacturer

    Buildings materials companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Optimize material properties when using locally-sourced raw materials
    • Develop new more sustainable products and processes
    • Improve customer responsiveness

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    Read how raw material catalogs can be rationalized and product cost optimized using the Citrine platform.

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  • Aerospace & Defense

    Aerospace and defense companies need to develop high performing materials and components that hold up in extreme environments. The Citrine Platform helps customers design materials, processes, and manufactured parts that meet these objectives with a combination of materials-specific AI and smart data infrastructure.

    Aerospace & Defense Aerospace products and components have long product life cycles. Reliability and the ability to create or source spare parts is as important as lightweighting and transitioning to new energy sources. Additive manufacturing and other strategies that use advanced materials have many advantages, but qualification of new parts and processes is complex and time-consuming.

    The Citrine Platform brings agility to your R&D teams, helping them efficiently explore new materials and processes. This can also help with other key business goals, such as supply chain resilience, improved sustainability, and adaptation to regulatory shifts.

    “The Citrine platform’s ability to model two key properties that were key bottlenecks for us has helped us significantly accelerate our R&D.”
    – VP, Product Strategy

    Aerospace and defense companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Co-optimize products and materials
    • Accelerate the qualification of additive materials processes
    • Transition to new energy sources
    • Speed the development of high-performance materials for extreme environments
    • Predict lifetime properties (e.g., fatigue and creep)

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    Read how the Citrine Platform can be used to accelerate the qualification of new additive manufacturing materials and processes. Materials informatics can help you meet your strategic sustainability goals.

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  • Automotive

    The Citrine platform helps automotive OEMs and suppliers develop new materials for electric vehicles, lightweight existing products, and design for performance while considering complex regulatory and supply chain trade-offs.

    Automotive The automotive and transportation industries are shifting at a speed and scale that is virtually unmatched among large manufacturers. Complex supply chains, changing consumer preferences, and stringent regulatory environments require coordination & agility across the value chain. In addition, the demands on our vehicles are changing. A new EV can completely shred a new set of tires with incredible torque but is more weight sensitive than an internal combustion vehicle.

    By facilitating rapid development of new materials and the co-optimization of materials and finished parts, the Citrine platform enables automotive OEMs and suppliers to accelerate innovation and maintain the differentiation of their technology while balancing changing consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.

    “Citrine’s approach is essential to our company’s success.”
    – Chairman of a high-performance automotive battery company

    Automotive companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Co-optimize vehicles and lightweight materials
    • Accelerate the qualification of additive manufacturing processes
    • Rapidly design components and systems for use in electric vehicles

    Download the eBook

    Learn how the Citrine Platform can be used to optimize battery configurations and reduce time spent testing.

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  • Food & Beverage

    The Citrine platform helps food and beverage companies develop new products and localize ingredients to keep pace with changing consumer preferences.

    Food & Beverage Innovation in the food and drink market is exploding as consumer preferences change and sustainable ingredients mature. Leading companies look to materials science to replace ingredients in response to new regulations or demand shifts. AI is also helping to enhance appearance, taste, texture, shelf life, flavor combinations and other key features.

    Whether you’re looking for better ways to manage variability in food processing or additives that can change product performance, you can now explore a broad range of new approaches. The Citrine platform unlocks agility for product development teams with ingredient informatics, enabling them to compete with nimble direct-to-consumer brands.

    “Citrine lets us solve problems with less work. It’s like having a flashlight in a dark room.”
    – Materials Scientist

    Food and beverage companies can use the Citrine platform to:

    • Optimize formulations in many dimensions at the same time
    • Assess the likely impact a new or replacement ingredient would have on product properties
    • Rapidly reformulate product lines as access to or pricing of ingredients changes

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    Learn about the challenges involved in using AI in the complex area of formulation development, and how Citrine has overcome them.

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